
Montessori Experience 

Montessori education focuses on child-led learning. Students are encouraged to be the directors of their own study, identifying and pursuing projects that interest them, with the teacher serving as a guide to their learning.

Much of the Montessori experience is hands-on which makes learning fun and fosters an environment in which children grow to love learning. Children are encouraged to go at their own pace, work collaboratively and individually, and spend time working on activities they enjoy.

Seedlings/Core essential values

Preschool has the power to change behavior, enhance relationships, and foster academic growth.  Using this curriculum, the lessons will point to 3 main ideas:

 *Be a good friend.

* Do the right thing.

*Always try your best.

growing up wild

This curriculum helps build on children's sense of wonder about nature and invites them to explore wildlife using Math, Language and Literacy, Science and Play Learning.

Most of our learning activities will be outside, weather permitting!

Lively letters/learning without tears

Lively Letters is our phonics program that using fun stories and songs to Teach letter sounds.

Learning Without Tears is our writing program that using a hands on approach to writing for each child at their own pace!